the sweet and the sour...

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Luck or not?

Some people believe in luck, others don't. Maybe luck is a combination of things, all coming together at the right exact moment? Oprah says it's preparedness meeting opportunity, I could agree with some of that.

However, whether it be timing, or just being at the right place at the right time, I believe somewhere that thing called luck is put into the equation.

You hear alot about America being the land of opportunity. That takes care of alot of the being at the right place thing but there's more elements to luck than that. Of course one of the biggest strokes of luck in life is what parents & environment you are born into. No matter what cards we were dealt when we got here, we are here and we are in America, so there's some luck. Not to say that you must have luck to be happy, but it sure can help in alot of areas.

Maybe if I concentrate more on luck, how good it has been to me so far, it will befriend me and help take it's enemy of strife and struggle out with a vengence?!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Money can't buy love, but it can...

buy freedom....and freedom for me means alot more opportunity and possibility.

You know it's funny because I've always heard the question "what's keeping you up at night", however unless it's some type of ailment that physically prevented me from sleep, I always got mine...oh how I love sleep!!

However, unfortunately now the phrase means a little more to me than that.

With a pending divorce and being faced with the struggles of being at least a part-time single mom, there's alot of contemplation these days...and yes, it's the kind that wakes you up at night.

I think wow, I didn't want or see things turning out at such in my life, never expected twins...yada, yada, yada. But the time is here & it is what it is.

I know that there are always outside factors (not being Donald Trump being one of them) that can create financially instability in ones life or undesirable circumstances...but sucking it up, can be a hard lemon to swallow.

All the "what if's" in life can invade your space and create a world of stress and havoc if you allow it. Every unexpected cost or something that you can't afford being another cobweb you have to walk through and clean off your face.

Last night I dreamt I was being strangled & I couldn't breathe...I woke myself up pretty quickly on that one. I'm not one to read alot in my dreams (don't have the notebook by my bed or anything) but that's one that sort of sticks w/you, and I thought...wonder what the hell that one means?

Well the answer came yesterday evening when it has been determined that my oldest will stay w/his dad next year and I'll be coughing up the child support (money no where to be found) to be sending about a big sting, or two of them. I can add that to my "contemplation" list as simply contemplating on how to deal.

So the moral of this story is...people in our society look down on people who put money before even love, but they may just not be aware of the freedom it brings with the allowance of more choice & being able to least long enough to be able to find, appreciate & enjoy that thing

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Why's Elton J. hatin' on the bloggers??

I just read an article today where Elton John asked how much creative stuff would be created if the internet was taken away for five years?! What?! He goes on to say how people need to get out, communicate & create stuff? Hmmm...okay, nothing is communicated or created online??

He's talks in terms of music, however he mentions everyone sitting at home & doing nothing but blogging? I'm confused as to what the two really have to do w/each other. I'm sure people sit at home & make music in their homes with their huge studios, that's been around for decades. I'm sure they must still have meetings and collaborate?

I guess taking the internet away struck a cord for me, regardless of what crazy person it may have came from. Not saying Elton John is crazy, but I think he's probably too elevated for anyone to say how "down to earth" he is.

I know they have debates about internet addiction and I would probably be one of the candidates in question. I know there is fear that everyone will begin replacing their arms and legs with laptops, cell phones and i-pods. We will become a technically conquered nation and the only evidence that we ever existed will be a chip of some sort or a web address - lol. But how would we possibly survive without taking care of daily business while in our cars, not having the latests news and information at the drop of our fingertip, unable to work from anywhere or any of the other millions of glorious things that the internet and technology have done for us??!!

We would go back to the days of caves and hunting food, or at least back to having to being unable to see what a picture looked like until it was processed...the horror!!

I think human contact is wonderful, so is getting in your car and physically going somewhere. However to take away the excitement and fun of blogging and internet...shame on you Elton John!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Happiness is a choice!!

After 29 years on this planet, I have fortunately realized that happiness is a choice and so is our life...and alot of everything in it as well.

Sure, as far as we know...we didn't have a choice concerning who our parents were or what type of environment we were raised in. We didn't have much choice other than to sit back and enjoy the ride. If it wasn't an enjoyable one, we had to keep looking forward to the day that we could get off or out of it. However even with the most miserable of household circumstances, there was usually always a way to escape and find more enjoyment and fulfillment outside somewhere.

It is unfortunate that many people live their lives unaware of the choices that they truly do have in life. They make up excuses, they use outside factors that cloud their vision and make their decisions for them...then they often wonder why they are "unhappy".

And truth be told, underlyingly - most people do know that they have a choice, but often that choice doesn't seem easy or then they wouldn't have a reason to complain or be angry if they opted for it. Many have to look at themselves and admit that the reason they are still continuing to make decisions that seem to make them unhappy is because the alternative wouldn't necessarily make them happy either - if they really looked at it.

And so what happens to our lives while we spend them "unhappy" or "angry" because things "seem" not to be going our way? We allow them and our happiness and joy to simply pass us by. And before we know it, we are old - we feel as if we haven't lived a life that truly speaks about us or been able to offer the world what we are truly capable of. We allow our ego to dictate our life story, rather than allowing our spirit to experience itself and the truth of life.

Sure there are many things in life that we don't have control over or a choice in. Yet those things can never take away from our biggest choice of all, unless we choose to allow it. The choice is to be happy.

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