the sweet and the sour...

Monday, July 9, 2007

How we get to and fro...

My first car was a salvaged Nissan Sentra - basically a little basic box on four wheels with a steering wheel. However those wheels had five stars, the windows were tinted and there was a nice burgundy color paint coat on the box. It wasn't the new car I was wishing for, but it was great to be blessed with a car even before your sixteenth birthday. It taught me alot about cars and what could go wrong with actually lasted me three years.

Then came the new cars. The first one I bought (so to speak) the next two were nice new leases. Agh, the Jetta, my first car love...and since then the last. After being tired of the car payment, high insurance and my credit being less than polished, I knew the next car would have to be paid for. Fortunately, I was married and my husband allowed me to save enough and I bought a decent SUV to support all three of the kids at a pretty good deal.

But with the used car again - so come the used problems. No matter how great the condition of a vehicle is, if it's going to start to have it's issues. And what fun it is when they begin to happen. With this truck, I've had it a year...and thus far, was lucky.

Until yesterday of course. When I pressed in the clutch and it happened to stay there. Stranded, I had to call for backup and fortunately I had it...but what a miserable feeling...thank God for cell phones and people that don't mind transporting you. I may be checking out AAA today, however that still doesn't cure the nice fix it bill that will eventually arrive, nor your time away from having transportation. Of course my mother reminded me, I walked for eight years...maybe that's what the problem is and why I feel so vulnerable when it comes to transportation, out of that eight years, there were quite a few when I was with her.

Walking to the store and carrying groceries up a huge mountainous hill on a hot as hell summer day isn't usually anyone's idea of fun. Sure I have plenty to remind my children of what they should be grateful for, however it will never ease that pain.

What is it about vehicle that spells the word power? If you live in the city, many take subways and the like...but do they with three kids? I couldn't imagine. Which I'm still in the south, so not an option, nor a real desire.

So as I brace for the bill and look forward to be escorted to get my wheels back, I will reconsider this whole used car thing - and contemplate what is worse - being stranded with a used vehicle or having a car payment. I will look at both as undesirables and try to manage coming up will possibilities to eliminating both.

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