the sweet and the sour...

Monday, July 30, 2007

How far down or up the chain are we???


I have to laugh about this, but today as I looked down my legs, having skipped a few days of shaving & I noticed how you don't just have more hair around your pubic area, it actually still grows more vastly upon your inner thigh as well. So I had to think about what would I really look like if there were no such things as razors, tweezers or any of the hygiene stuff that we can so easily take for granted? I think I have the answer...we really would begin to resemble those things that hang from trees and eat bananas.

I think we as "humans" sometimes give ourselves way too much credit. Most of us know how to take care of ourselves in a hygienical fashion, to stay out of the rain and cold, to shop for and bring home food, to make eye contact to get a mate, to show affection, and to communicate through voice and body language. Is this much different than what most animals out in the jungle do...hmmm.

I remember when in high school, one of my favorite pass times was to either sit in lunch or at the mall and watch people interact and go about their daily business. I must say, it was pure entertainment and fun for me. Some people view making fun of people as something mean, that only someone insecure and angry that wanted to feel better about themselves would do. And I did buy into that theory for a moment, sure I had insecure, angry moments as a teenager & still do...however if I'm really honest, I people watched for pure amazement and pleasure.

I would imagine if I had never seen a human before. And oh, that made it even scarier. Hollywood doesn't have to go to far from what the human condition can be boxed in to make something look like a monster or scary. Often you can find one shopping at your local grocery store or eating at your favorite restaurant.

I'm not the most attractive female on the planet and even if I was, I would have to say that if I saw myself or anyone else with new eyes, I would see a new correlation b/w me and other creatures on the planet. I would see how strangely we walk, talk, carry ourselves and live our lives in such amazing patterns and ways.

Sure, I think the human body in it's greatest form can seem extraordinary, amazing and in so many ways...beautiful, especially since it's all we know or have ever seen. But when you take the spirit & the mind out of it & take another look at it, it can make us all seem quite crazy looking and odd...even the most beautiful of "people".

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